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February 6, 2023

Saprea: ‘Send a Message of Hope’ to Survivors this February

Child sexual abuse impacts every neighborhood and community around the world. Many survivors of child sexual abuse face the impacts of trauma for years or even decades after the abuse has stopped.

Having a support system is important for anyone living with past trauma, according to Saprea clinicians. The ability to heal is greatly accelerated when survivors are able to draw upon the strength, care, and support of others in their life.

Throughout February, Saprea invites the public to write a message of hope to a survivor by visiting and filling out a short note of encouragement to be an uplifting voice in a survivor’s life. It is vital for every survivor to know that there are people who support them and believe in them.

Alyssa, a survivor, knows first hand the value of being supported by others.  “My hope to any survivor is that you don’t feel alone, that you recognize that healing is a process that doesn’t have a set time frame, that you have the deepest compassion towards yourself, and that you know there are people in this world waiting to support you and believe you,” Alyssa said.

Saprea wants to help fulfill Alyssa’s promise to survivors with messages of hope. These messages will help survivors of child sexual abuse feel supported, loved, and empowered by a community of advocates who care about their healing journey.

- By Molly Hansen