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Meet Saprea

Saprea exists to liberate individuals and society from child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity, funded by a combination of public and private donations. Our offices are located in Lehi, Utah.

What We Do

  • We empower healing for individuals who were sexually abused as children or adolescents through retreats, support groups, and online resources.
  • We educate and engage parents and caregivers to protect children from sexual abuse through community and online resources.
  • We drive awareness to motivate individuals to take action against child sexual abuse.
Derek and Shelaine Maxfield

Our Story

In a conversation with his wife, Shelaine, Derek Maxfield lamented that someone should “do something” to help adult female survivors of child sexual abuse find hope and healing. He recognized that when you give someone hope and resources, they become the steward of their own healing. Together in 2014, the Maxfield family founded Saprea to fight child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts through healing and prevention services.

Our Impact



More than 5,500 survivors have attended Saprea Retreat—a place for survivors to learn healing tools to address childhood trauma, set intentions, and move forward in their healing journey with the support of fellow survivors.


Healing Webinar

In 2022, Saprea launched the new Saprea Healing Webinar to help adult female survivors jumpstart their healing from home. Survivors have the opportunity to participate in classes, engage in group discussions, mindfully connect with their body, and build a community.


Support Groups

Saprea Support Groups are available in 11+ countries and offered in four languages. These support groups allow adult female survivors to connect with other survivors in their own communities.


Online Healing Resources

Saprea provides clinically proven resources to help survivors understand how trauma impacts the brain and body, as well as ways to further healing and post-traumatic growth.



The prevention section of our website contains education classes and online prevention resources to help parents and caregivers safeguard children from sexual abuse and its lasting impacts.


Derek and Shelaine sitting at a table together


Saprea employs experienced professionals, including a full team of licensed clinical practitioners.
Our Leadership



Read the latest news, stories, and information about Saprea and our efforts to increase awareness around the critical issue of child sexual abuse.
Latest News



Learn more about our partners who both lend their voices and give their resources and influence in support of our mission.
Our Partners



We are committed to providing clear, timely information about our finances. 100% of donations made to Saprea go directly toward helping survivors heal and helping parents and caregivers reduce the risk of child sexual abuse.

For more information, please visit our annual reports page.
Annual Reports
graph showing Saprea's overall spending for 2023

Donate to join the fight for a world free from child sexual abuse.

100% of your donation goes toward funding the services we offer.